Macro could only do such interactive tasks by closely related macro set with each macro doing each step of interaction.
Just select a macro category from the list above to begin. But in the French version of Rhino, this won't work. If you can see the toolbar's name in 'files' section, click on it and check the boxes in 'toolbars' section to make them visible. Instead you need one of these macros: Cercle 3Point 0,0,0 1,1,0 0,3,0. The software also allows programmability for an array of mouse and keyboard commands – from basic single-key inputs to very advanced, timed, and macro commands. This macro expands to the name of the main input file, in the form of a C string constant.
Ufuboceros aims to help Rhino users by contributing Rhino's default user interface or by explaining some less known tips.
The list of default keyboard shortcuts is listed in the top half of the window. index = Zero-based position in the search path list to insert. Please help us by giving feedback and making contributions. Click here for Katella’s Google Doc Replacement Macro Help Page.